Rule#4: Always Be Improving
Original Rule: “Do Better!”
“Be the best at what you do.”
Life is too short to spend time with things that do not bring you joy. We’re not always going to love every aspect of our jobs. I’ve learned to find something that I can admire in the activities that take up my time. When I find myself stuck with a task that doesn’t feel like the best use of my time, I look for the growth opportunity. Usually it’s an opportunity to become more efficient where I am already proficient. Sometimes I have to ask: ‘what skillset can I pull from this that will make me better-in some unexpected way?’
Be on the lookout for ways to improve. Watch a TedTalk. Take an online class. Use the opportunity to network with people who’ve been where you are and can help you advance and improve.
You don’t have to be perfect at every little thing, but you can find joy in reaching for perfection – just be coachable and excited to learn. Mine the task for opportunity and you’ll find the gold. It’s been my experience that I enjoy the things I excel at and excel at the things I enjoy.